Hot Potato

All posts tagged Hot Potato

Human Resources

Published February 9, 2018 by helentastic67

Human Resources

Human Resources

I’ve been putting off a major decision lately because it means I’m about to lose all my friends. I guess it’s not so much a decision, but more about timing.

Major decisions

Because I now have the NDIS funding, I have been allocated hours for more Carers, many more hours. But I can’t use more hours with my current Carer Provider. I need to start using an actual Agency.

My Carers over the years have been supplied through my Council, who only want to provide me with five hours a fortnight. Seriously!

What are you supposed to do with five hours a week, let alone over two weeks! Not much.

Because I’ve held off telling my grumpy Council I’ve been approved for the NDIS (because they would drop me like a hot potato).

Hot Potato 1

I will lose my mind, training a bunch of new Carers, to be able to cope with me and have them, I’ve started filling in the gaps that my Council didn’t provide.

That means Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday, Sundays. The last three weeks I’ve had a shower each day on the weekends.



I can shower myself. I can even dry and dress myself. But it’s exhausting and if I needs to wear a bra, I can get it on, but it’s never comfortable.

So far, I’ve had three new Carers, it seems there’s not many in my area and they are generally not prepared to travel for a shift shorter than an hour and a half.

I am much better at the whole HR-thing these days. (Human Resources) I’ve been getting Carers for about six to seven years now. My mum was very ‘keen to train’ my Carers, thinking it would be maybe, five Carers in a room and well, I don’t know what she was thinking.

I would love my current Carers (friends) to do a handover, but in reality, I get a new Carer, one at a time and induction begins the second they arrive.


I’m friendly and inviting and while I show them around I show them the list of ‘chores’ I would like them to be able to get through while they are there.

Dishes get done, Kitty litter changed, rubbish and recycling get taken out all while I’m in the shower. Nothing too challenging.

Kitty litter

But the personality match is always just as hard as finding someone who knows how to wash dishes. (Seriously, stay tuned for my training guide on how to correctly wash dishes.)

Washing dishes